Footprints has 9 women's houses.
Tier 1, 2 and 3 Houses: These houses are for women within their first 6 months of recovery at FTR. Residents follow tier 1 & 2 guidelines and prepare to transition to tier 3.Tier 3 is for residents who have been at FTR for 90 days. The residents follow Tier 3 guidelines and begin to learn how to be more self sufficient.
Step-up Houses: Residents who have completed the full 6 months at FTR who are ready to live more independently. These residents follow step-up guidelines.
Women & Children: Residents who have full custody of their kids or are working towards getting their children back and are ready to integrate recovery and motherhood. They follow a structured program filled with therapy, classes and meetings.
Located just 10 minutes from downtown Nashville, our houses have 4 to 6 bedrooms and 2 or 3 bathrooms. All houses are within walking distance of grocery stores, restaurants and bus stops. Daily meditation, weekly groups and house meetings are all part of the experience. House Managers live on site to provide support to all residents.
Residents participate in a monthly community meeting where they get the opportunity to have fellowship, watch other residents graduate the program and groups and receive recovery coins! This is a great way for them to see the successes of others and offers encouragement.
© 2019 Footprints to Recovery Nashville, TN